Keva’s Councillors elected a new Board of Directors for the pensions institution for a two-year term in their meeting.
Mayor Minna Arve will continue as Chair of the Board and Kari Nenonen as Deputy Chair. Harri Jokiranta continues as Chair of Keva’s Councillors, and Maarit Ojavuo as Deputy Chair.
The Act on Keva changed the selection process and the composition of the administration
The amendments to the Act on Keva, which entered into force at the beginning of August, contain new provisions on the administration of the pensions institution. Keva’s Council is now Keva’s Councillors; the Ministry of Finance has appointed the Councillors from among the persons put forward by the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities, the principal contracting organisations and local government employers.
The Board of Directors is elected from among the persons put forward by the Election Committee, which is elected by the Councillors. The Election Committee determines the qualification and competence requirements for the Board’s composition and members in accordance with the Act on Keva. Keva’s Board of Directors has eleven members and their personal deputies.
Law requires three members of the Board to be elected from among the persons put forward by the principal contracting organisations referred to in the municipal main agreement (Julkisalan koulutettujen neuvottelujärjestö Juko ry, Julkisen alan unioni ry JAU and Sosiaali- ja terveysalan neuvottelujärjestö Sote ry). Two members of the Board are elected from among the persons put forward by local government employers (KT Kuntatyönantajat).
The members of Keva’s Board of Directors elected in the manner described above for the period 2020-2022 are:
Regular member |
Personal deputy |
Minna Arve |
Saija Äikäs |
Kari Nenonen |
Tarja Filatov |
Saku Linnamurto |
Pia Pakarinen |
Diana Bergroth-Lampinen |
Ilkka Nokelainen |
Markus Lohi |
Heini Jalkanen |
Heli Järvinen |
Tuomas Viskari |
Olli Luukkainen, JUKO |
Kati Myllymäki |
Päivi Niemi-Laine, JAU |
Kristian Karrasch |
Else-Mai Kirvesniemi, Sote |
Anne Sainila-Vaarno |
Kirsi-Marja Lievonen, |
Petra Määttänen |
Markku Jalonen, |
Mika Juutinen |
Keva’s Board of Directors meetings are also attended by Harri Jokiranta, Chair of Keva’s Councillors, and Maarit Ojavuo, Deputy Chair of Keva’s Councillors.
Further information:
Chair of Keva’s Councillors, Deputy Mayor Harri Jokiranta, tel. +358 40 774 8402
Chair of Keva’s Board of Directors, Mayor Minna Arve,
tel. +358 2 2627 224