How to apply for pension

You can only start to receive pension after you have applied for it. The easiest way to submit your application is by using the online service My Pension (available in Finnish and in Swedish).

You should file your pension application 1–2 months before retirement. If you are applying for disability pension, cash rehabilitation benefit or years-of-service pension, it is recommended that the application be filed at least two months before the start of the pension.

You should first review the various pension options and check your own retirement age in the online service My Pension. Then:

  1. Check your pension record in the online service.
  2. Obtain the required enclosures to your application (e.g. medical statement B, appendix U).
  3. Find out your IBAN account number and your bank’s BIC code.
  4. Fill in the application in the online service. Once you have received the pension decision, you should contact the tax authorities and request a tax card for your pension.

If you prefer to apply for pension in writing, please mail the application form and enclosures as well as any other supporting documents to Keva at: 00087 KEVA. 

Check your pension record

Check your pension record in the online service My Pension. The amount of your pension will be calculated on the basis of the information in the pension record. You should therefore make sure that all your employment and earnings have been recorded.

Any mistakes or omissions may be reported in the online service My Pension.

How do I apply for pension?

Fill in the pension application in the online service My Pension and upload the requested enclosures as well. 

You can submit all documents – whether pension application, enclosure or other document – to us in the online service My Pension. With documents on paper, you can either scan them or take a photo of them and then submit them to us in the online service.

If you prefer to apply for pension in writing, please mail the application form and enclosures as well as any other supporting documents to Keva at: 00087 KEVA.

Please read the directions on how to apply and consult the page for the relevant type of pension to determine the required enclosures:

Contact Kela about national pension

If your earnings-related pension is not very high, you may also be eligible for national pension. To learn more about national pension, please contact Kela.

After receiving the pension decision

The pension decision will be issued in electronic format in the online service My Pension (available in Finnish and in Swedish) and will also be sent to you by mail to your home address.

If you have indicated that you prefer to receive documents in electronic format in the online service, we will not send you mail by letter.

The online service My Pension is the easiest way to manage your pension affairs and report any changes, for example a new bank account number for payment of your pension.

Review your pension decision. Inform Keva without delay of any omissions. If you are unhappy with the pension decision, you can lodge an appeal against it.

You will require a tax card for pension because pensions are taxed differently from earnings. Contact the tax office without delay to obtain the tax card because otherwise a withholding rate of 40% will apply.

The first date of payment of your pension will be indicated in your pension decision. 

The new pensioner’s checklist will help you review the necessary information.

Going ahead, current issues and directions will be available to you on the page Pension recipients.

Are you living or have you worked abroad?

Your pension may be paid to Finland or to a foreign country. If you are living abroad, the application process is slightly different and you must also report your address annually to Keva.

The procedure for applying for pension that has accrued abroad differs depending on the country of employment. See instructions on how to apply:


Have you worked while on pension?

Pension that has accrued for employment while on pension can only be paid after you have applied for it. 

If you worked while on an old-age pension

You accrue new pension while employed until the upper age limit at which pension accrues. The upper age limit depends on your year of birth. If, for example, you were born before 1958, you would continue to accrue pension until the end of the month in which you reach 68 years. If you were born 1958-1961, you would continue to accrue pension until the end of the month in which you reach 69 years.

Apply for your pension when you have reached the upper age limit at which pension accrues. You do not need to stop working even if you do claim a pension accruing from work during retirement. Apply for your pension in the My Pension service using the old-age pension application form.

You can also receive this pension automatically if you give your prior consent for the pension to be granted in the My Pension service. Once you have given your consent, you no longer need to apply for the pension. We grant the pension to you automatically at the upper age limit at which pension accrues.

The My Pension service is available in Finnish and Swedish only.

You can apply for the pension accrued for work done during retirement before the upper age limit if

  • the work done alongside your pension is covered by the Earnings-related Pensions Act under which you do not yet receive a pension or
  • you have been granted an old-age pension before 2017 and you have been working while on a pension in 2017 or thereafter.

However, the earliest the pension will be granted is at the lowest threshold for old-age pension in your age group. In addition, your employment must have ended.

If you worked while on a disability pension

If you are on disability pension, the new pension that has accrued to you for employment while on pension will be paid to you when your disability pension is converted into old-age pension. You must also file an application for this pension.

When applying for the new pension, follow the directions for applying for old-age pension above.