Financial support

Financial support is a benefit equivalent to group life insurance. 

It is paid to family members upon the death of an employee of local government, the State, the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Kela or The Bank of Finland.

The employer may have arranged with Keva or a private insurance company for the financial support, or it may be paid by the employer.

Financial support is a lump sum payment. The amount of financial support depends on the age of the decedent at the time of death.

Financial support is not paid if

  • the decedent had already retired on old-age pension or early old-age pension
  • more than three years had elapsed since the end of the decedent’s employment
  • the decedent received disability pension before death and had retired more than five years ago (applies only where the decedent’s employment relationship ended before 1 January 2020)
  • the decedent died after the calendar month in which he or she would have turned 68.

Financial support may be paid to

  • a surviving spouse (in marriage or registered partnership)
  • a partner who lived together with the decedent and with whom he or she has a joint child or where there exists a mutual child support agreement, verified by a notary public
  • a childless partner as well may be entitled to financial support if the decedent and partner cohabited continuously for a period of at least 5 years (applies where the decedent’s employment relationship ended 1 January 2020 or later and the decedent died 1 January 2020 or later)
  • children under the age of 22 years 
    • regarding the decedent’s children
    • regarding the surviving spouse’s children whose guardian the surviving spouse has been
    • regarding other children whose support the decedent has taken care of until the age of majority.

Financial support is payable on the grounds of only one employment relationship. If, in addition to employment in the public sector, the decedent had an additional job in the private sector or as an entrepreneur, compensation is not payable under those plans.

 Amount of financial support 

Age of insured at the time of death

The surviving spouse’s share EUR

The insured died
in 2024

The insured died
in 2023

-49 17,970 17,190
50 16,790 16,060
51 15,600 14,920
52 14,370 13,750
53 13,190 12,620
54 12,030 11,510
55 10,820 10,350
56 9,640 9,220
57 8,510 8,140
58 7,250 6,930
59 6,070 5,800
60- 5,020 4,800

The child’s share

The child’s share is EUR 7,760 per child in 2023 and EUR 8,110 per child in 2024.

If only children are the beneficiaries, they also receive the surviving spouses share, which is distributed equally among them.

Accident supplement

If the decedent’s death is accidental, the the surviving spouse’s share and the child’s share are increased by 50%.

Duty to report

Keva notifies the Digital and Population Data Services Agency of financial support paid to a child under 18 years of age. Financial support is a financial compensation regarding the use of which the child’s custodian or guardian must report to the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.

Since tax may be deducted from financial support, a copy of the financial support decision must be enclosed with the estate inventory deed.

How to apply for financial support

When the decedent was employed by local government

Apply for financial support by completing the application in the My Pension service (available in Finnish and Swedish) when the decedent’s employer arranges the financial support with Keva.

You can also file a written application (in Finnish). Mail the application to: Keva, FI-00087 KEVA 

Hakemus taloudellista tukea varten -lomake.pdf (96 kb)


Please also consult the general instructions for applying and what to do after receiving a decision.

When the decedent was employed by the State

The employees’ group life insurance for State employees and public servants is arranged by the State Treasury (

When the decedent was employed by the Evangelical Lutheran Church

The group life insurance for employees of the Evangelical Lutheran Church is administered by the Finnish Workers' Compensation Center (TVK) under contract or the benefit is paid directly by the relevant parish from its own funds.

Please consult the decedent’s employer for details about the Evangelical Lutheran Church’s group life insurance.

When the decedent was employed by Kela

The benefit is granted and paid by Kela’s human resources department.

Submit the application to Kela: Kela, Talous- ja henkilöstöyksikkö, Henkilöstöpalvelut, PL 450, 00056 KELA

Enquiries: Kela human resources services, phone +358 40 187 6987

When a family member employed by the Bank of Finland dies

The Bank of Finland is responsible for employees’ death benefit under group life assurance cover.

Telephone enquiries: 09 1831 (switchboard)

Postal address: Bank of Finland, PO Box 160, 00101 Helsinki