Pension options

What is old-age pension? Who is eligible for rehabilitation allowance? What is the difference between survivors’ pension and financial support?
Learn more about the various pension options and determine which is right for you.

Old-age pension

You can retire on old-age pension when you reach retirement age and your employment ends. You do not have to retire at your retirement age, however. The longer you keep working, the higher your pension will be.

Old-age pension

Partial early old-age pension

You can start receiving partial early old-age pension at the age of 61 if you receive no other employment-related pension. When you are on partial early old-age pension, you can either keep working or stop working, whichever best suits you and your employer.

Partial early old-age pension

Disability pension and cash rehabilitation benefit

You may be granted disability pension if you have not reached the retirement age and your ability to work has been diminishing for at least one year because of an illness, an injury or a disability.

Disability pension can be granted either indefinitely or for a fixed term. Fixed-term disability pension is referred to as cash rehabilitation benefit. Cash rehabilitation benefit is granted if it is estimated that your ability to work can be restored through treatment or rehabilitation

Disability pension and cash rehabilitation benefit

Partial disability pension and partial rehabilitation allowance

You may be granted a partial disability pension if you have not reached the retirement age and your ability to work has been diminishing for at least one year because of an illness, an injury or a disability.

Partial rehabilitation allowance allows you to extend your work career despite having a diminishing capacity to work, and any work carried out while on the pension also accrues new pension funds. 

If a partial disability pension is granted for a fixed term, it is referred to as partial rehabilitation allowance. Partial rehabilitation allowance is granted if it is estimated that your ability to work can be restored through treatment or rehabilitation.

Partial disability pension and partial rehabilitation allowance

Years-of-service pension

The years-of-service pension is intended for people who have worked for a long time in strenuous and wearing work. 

Years-of-service pension

Survivors’ pension or surviving spouse’s pension and child’s pension

Survivors’ pension secures the income of the surviving spouse and under-aged children after the death of an employee. Survivors’ pension may also be granted to an ex-spouse.

Survivors’ pension

Financial support

Financial support is not actually a pension but a benefit paid to family members upon the death of an employee of local government, the State, the Evangelical Lutheran Church or Kela. The benefit is also referred to as group life insurance.

Financial support

Vocational rehabilitation

Vocational rehabilitation is not an actual pension. Diminished work ability may hinder you from being able to work at some point in your professional career. In this event, vocational rehabilitation granted by Keva can help you continue in working life.